Investor turned Entrepreneur launched CBREX, a cross border recruitment solutions


There is no boundary and no age defined for Entrepreneurship, holds true for some and Mr. Gautam Sinha is one of them.

A serial Entrepreneur, Gautam Sinha started his first venture in 1996 (time when the Entrepreneurship era had not even entered India), it was a big failure but a good learning curve of his life. Commenting on this, Mr Sinha says:

I started (and shut down!) 2 companies during these 5 years as i learned the ropes of being an entrepreneur. One of the 2 was a dotcom(followed the herd in the late nineties) which was a spectacular failure and learnt more from that from any other single experience in business !

He regained the inner strength to stand up and start again, and founded TVA Infotech. It was a major hit and became market leader in IT Recruitment which was later acquired by Allegis Group Inc. His second venture My First Cheque founded in late 2010 was a seed fund company which was helping early stage startups giving their first cheque and help mentorship.

From one of his portfolio company he got his interest to become Entrepreneur again and revived his Entrepreneurial skills with Naukri Expat founded by Sanjeev Punwani in Apr’11 which was into hiring expats for Indian Companies across the world without having presence in that location. He says:

At that time, as a full-time seed investor, there was no thought to co-found or run it. For me it was like any of my other 10 investments that I would spend the time and effort on.

This duo Sanjeev and Gautam continued to work on the business and investment in it continued across 2014, by the time it started becoming clear that a major disruption in the international talent hiring space was possible but a totally different approach was needed for cross border talent hiring.

Various research and market studies between Nov’14 and Apr’15, resulted out with the born of CBREX (Cross Border Recruitment EXchange), a technology platform to hire cross border talents where Gautam Sinha taking role of CoFounder-CEO, Sanjeev Punwani taking role of CoFounder-COO and Karunjay Anand taking role as CoFounder-CTO.

CBREX, a unique collaborative B2B technology platform specialized in cross-border recruiter exchange connecting recruitment consultancies and freelance recruiters to conduct hiring across the globe.

How CBREX works:

The ‘members only’ platform is user-friendly. Any individual or recruiting firm, can sign up and become a member after a verification process by a team of experts at CBREX. They then have to create a profile, highlighting their functional expertise and industry verticals of interest. Once the profile is ready, members can start posting jobs from their clients that have hiring needs outside their location or want to hire an expat in their home location (Example: a client in Russia who wants to hire in the USA OR a client in Russia who wants to hire a foreign national in Russia). Members can see the job posts on the platform and all they have to do is express interest in supplying a candidate for a particular requirement. For a member to be able to transact i.e. get a job post approved OR be able to supply a candidate to a job posted by another member, they need to sign an MoU with the exchange. This ensures that the entire process is double checked and payment is possible. Members can be live on CBREX but cannot transact till they have signed the MoU.

Current Strength and Plans:

CBREX has a talented team of 11 peoples with which they are carving niche in the cross border recruitment space and plans to have 1000 recruiters in the next 6 months and aiming to clock close to 300 transactions per month


Website: CBREX

Website: MyFirstCheque