Project Astoria indefinitely on hold: Microsoft


    Project Astoria, a Microsoft baby is tool which was supposed to enable apps originally designed for Android to its very own Windows 10. It was originally designed to encourage app programmers to bring their app creations from Android to Windows. The initiation of the making of this much needed app began in early 2015, but took a backseat for various reasons which have come to light recently. It is common knowledge that Windows Store has a limited number of apps, may a times causing inconvenience to its users, who are unable to take full advantage of the high specs that Windows Phones offer due to this layback.

    Microsoft launches a beta version of the Project Astoria, named Project Islandwood for its iPhone counterpart – the iOS, promising the hopeful that the Android version would arrive later this year. While the development of this app would be highly beneficial to the users, the application developers who worked for Windows were less than pleased. Not only would this app make piracy easy, the launch of this app would also leave little reason for Windows app developers to be working anymore. There are obviously some gaping holes in the functioning of the Windows Phones which need to be fixed, and the introduction of the ‘Bridge For Android’ might be the solution to it. For example, you see a feature you would have liked in your Android phone, which isn’t available on your phone, and you go, ‘Oh! There’s an app for that!’

    Windows users might be in for a disappointment as the future does not look bright for the Project Astoria. Another reason for its suspension was that the apps designed for Android phones, when introduced into a Windows system, caused it to slow down over time. The Project Islandwood, on the other hand seems a viable route to take, as the iOS contains more quality apps which would perform well on Windows devices, without the fear or viruses or failure that would be inevitable due to the many amateur apps available in the Android Playstore.

    For now, the skies do not look clear and it is possible that Project Astoria may never see the light of day, after all.