How to prevent your business from work repetition?


    Some points are crucial and often placed on the back burner, or even ignored by entrepreneurs on a daily basis in the pursuit of their endeavors. A small business has a precarious structure, subsequently forming a heap of withheld tasks needed to perform at the last minute. Hence, time control and planning are a key to avoiding work repetition.

    What is work repetition?

    Work repetition means repeating a previously completed work over & again due to mistakes or lack of planning at the first attempt. Anxiety, precipitation, poor communication, false assumptions, lack of control and review are usually the root causes of repetition. To eliminate this sleazy act that wastes your valuable time, energy and efforts, it is necessary to cultivate and develop new ways of thinking and enforcing actions.

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    Read on to discover how to inculcate the right attitude and apply a proactive practice to prevent work repetition.

    1. Before starting a business, plan it well! This results in better time management and gives you the needed time to execute your plan and avoid mistakes. Focus on your job and deliver it without errors on your first attempt, if possible.
    2. Be attentive to issues caused by errors and failures of action or communication and develop a preventive mindset. Foresee factors like procrastination, forgetfulness, and emergencies, and try to finish your work ahead of time.
    3. Keep a record of events, mishaps, faults, mistakes or other issues, whether it involves you or third parties. Absorb the most important lesson learned out of them to use it as a strategy and succeed another time.
    4. Maintain checklists. They work as a powerful tool of a reminder to have a better control over your tasks.
    5. Being punctual can also help lower stress and prevent work repetition.
    6. Do not obsess over perfection. Just do it to the best of your abilities and perform one final cross-check. This helps to calm your nerves.
    7. When communicating with a team member or a client, it is always a good habit to ensure that your message/assignment/report was clearly understood, annotated or received.
    8. When receiving information from a third party, make sure that the task assigned to you is legible and followed upon. In the case of a delay in acknowledgment, repeat this task once again.
    9. Whenever you are jotting down a note for someone else, put yourself in their shoes and ask questions that might help in the transmission of information (what, who, what, how, where, when & why.)
    10. Pay extra attention to doubts and gaps that text messages usually bring with them. Try to clarify them as soon as you can.

    Remember that a primary cause of work repetition is mistaking. Therefore, a realistic plan can save the day followed by a well-thought series of steps. Make an educated guess and try your best to prevent possible losses, failures, errors & ommissions. When performing a task, review, test, inquiry, obtain feedback and work on fixing them. Work repetition is more than just a waste of time, better to do it right the first time.

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