Zoomcar launched cycle sharing service PEDL


Does the idea of technology-driven cycle sharing service excite you? If yes, then you will surely be aware of the recent buzz in the market that can definitely satisfy your expectations. Zoomcar – a well-known name in the industry for providing its users with rental services for self-driven cars has recently launched one of the most innovative and unique car services.

PEDL the latest release of the brand has been gaining all the popularity for the right reasons. The cycle has been designed for being the first of its kind and being friendly with the users as well as the environment. At present, the cycle is available in Bengaluru, Chennai, and Kolkata with the aim to target more places in the year-end.

What is PEDL?

PEDL is an extension of the brands on-going business of car sharing. The cycle has been designed keeping in mind the need of having a comfortable, convenient, environment- friendly and the most importantly an affordable service of cycle sharing for being used for the local work and for taking short city trips. You can easily avail this facility from the various pickup points available in the city.

The sources from the company have revealed that the PEDL comes with all the required qualities and features that the users may want from a comfortable cycle sharing service. Along with working very precisely on the design of the cycle, the brand has also made sure to make it easy to go on the environment. The cycle does not have any damaging effects on the environment which is one of the great reasons for the growing popularity and acceptance of it.

Amongst the following amazing features that this cycle is equipped with, here are some of them to list:

  1. Adjustable seats: You don’t have to meet any specific requirements for using this service. It can be availed by anyone since it has adjustable seats which mean that the height of the seat can be adjusted according to the need of the user.
  2. Affordable payment: The service can be availed at a price of Rs 10 for half an hour along with an option to pay through Paytm.
  3. Aluminum frames: The attractive and customized aluminum frames of the cycle are sufficient enough for making this an eye catcher in the market.
  4. Drum brakes: The use of drum brakes in the cycle ensures that it offers its users with the complete security and safety for minimizing any possible damage and loss.
  5. Anti-slip chains: The use of anti-slip chains is yet another feature that makes this cycle one of its kinds by giving it an advantage over the other options.

With these features and options, you definitely won’t miss a ride on this. Will you?