Top 5 Excellent Startup Resources For Entrepreneurs in 2017


A startup enthusiast today has far too many resources at his/her disposal that truly make failure as an invalid option. There is every tool available at the click of a mouse button! Whether it is some guidance on nurturing client relations or developing an interactive UI, or perhaps to develop a new strategy to make your product appealing to the user base, whatever your need may be, it’s covered by these Top 5 excellent startup resources for Entrepreneurs in 2017. So, take notes and do follow up!

1) Startup Grind

Startup Grind is the world’s biggest startup community with a reach in more than 200 cities, across 85 nationalities and connecting over 400,000 entrepreneurs globally.

The community offers a cluster of resources including events, partnership opportunities with the best organizations such as Google for Entrepreneurs and also provides media options. Other services include organizing local community events for an in-person assistance and forming connections with existing talent that you may use for your startup, innovators, investors, and education experts. Started in 2010, in Silicon Valley, Startup Grind provides opportunities for untapped growth and likely success of finding a backer.

2) Young Entrepreneur’s Council

Often abbreviated as YEC, is a resourceful application offering startups tremendous support and marketing opportunities including a free website, media exposure, and tools for brand-building.

It invites its members to special events, conferences, and includes affordable health care options, a travel agency and discounts for co-working spaces, as a bonus.

YEC is a knowledge-sharing, networking and professional development tool that will help any young entrepreneur find incredible success.

3) Strategyzer

As an entrepreneur, it is common to be in a dilemma very often. You neither recognize nor suspect whether you are headed in the wrong direction, or know how to get where you want, that’s where Strategyzer comes into play.

The platform offers a tool called Business Model Canvas which helps to create a business model to help you direct the path for your startup. Similarly, another tool Value Proposition Canvas helps startups improve their strategic management processes.

4) Userinput

When developing a prototype for your startup, be it a website or an app or even if it’s just an idea, you want to find out whether it has the gravitas to engage consumers, intrigue venture capitalists and go the extra mile to transform your business into a full-fledged flagship. That’s when you need all the help you can get in the form of honest, sincere and professional feedback. brings you the users who are willing to provide their most candid opinions benefitting the businesses to find an affordable way to receive inputs from a selected group of reviewers.

It is unlike any other review platform that you have seen before. You can get feedback much quickly and receive a constructive criticism that will help you make the necessary improvements to increase your customer retention rate and hence, boost the success rate of your startup.

5) Clarity

During the time of your startup building and development, you are in a phase when you feel the need for an expert advice, sort of like an in-house counsel for legal help, to help you guide your business down the right path. For this reason, you may want to hire someone with a long history of business expertise that would end up costing you a lot more than what your startup is worth.

Now, thanks to Clarity, you can better spend all that money towards your business.

Clarity is one such organization that provides access to mentors and experts to help young entrepreneurs, especially the first-timers, in crucial areas of business development. As an advice seeker, you can browse for experts by topics that are wide-ranging from business strategy to social media, marketing, strategic planning, web development tactics like SEO, and a lot more!

You can select an expert and connect directly with them to seek advice, and help to make your startup a real success.


Other Startup Resources:

Do check out other highly essential startup resources such as, Global Accelerator Network (GAN) for an expert help to skyrocket your little startup to a whole new level.


Growthority provides growth-hacking services for startups & gives the much-needed traction & momentum.


Educational platforms and websites specifically aimed at educating entrepreneurs to do things the right way, available at free of charge from the world’s best universities offered at EdX, Udemy, & Coursera.


Final Words:

Make sure that you get a head start in 2017 with these incredible startup resources and the tools they offer to help your startup grow into an evergreen business. Get the essential advice and assistance to be able to gain the required knowledge and expertise to nurture your business for years to come.