Manifestation covering True Ethnic Collection of Indian Culture


    EthnicCrush carries the inimitable Ethnic collection of Indian Culture. The designs of Ethnic Crush are meant for all age group females. Essentially the designs and effort has been driven from Gujarat. A place where art is an expression. The vivid assortment of Arts, Culture and Lifestyle are soulful well-being. Ethnic Crush brings you the broadest variety of Sarees, Salwar/churidarsuits, lehengaas, Indo-westerns and many more. Though today the youth is fonder of Casuals but still there is something exceptional about our Indian Sarees. Not only Indian women’s are fascinated towards Indian sarees or Lehengaa/cholis, but in foreign countries Indian fashion lead.


    Introducing Radical Transparency

    “EthnicCrush” is the only Brand in India who truly implemented Radical Transparency. Radical Transparency is all about customer’s satisfaction, being flawless, unbiased and open-minded about their business in E-commerce manufacturing. As a customer will never click on buy tab until or unless with full satisfaction, after the assurance of everything i.e. Dress material, shipping details and furthermost essential part the price value of the product they are going to spend on. Ethnic Crush believes in complete happiness of their visitor’s or customer’s, it works stiff to cradle the finest and high quality of material to their customers.

    Shipping and Transportation

    Ethnic Crush spending the best courier services for the speediest and fastest delivery to their shopper’s, as their shipping association like FedEx, India Post, Dhl. Ethnic Crush do not charge any additional cost from their buyer’s.

    The leading and irreplaceable fragment of Ethnic Crush is their minor sales margin. As we all know that there are so many E-commerce sites where the same brand Sarees or Lehengaas sell on dissimilar prices, sometimes customer’s got tangled and annoyed, in order to save their time while shopping at home consumer’s regrettably had to spend so much time in examining for the best price for the same product. Now Ethnic Crush is the Brand who actually trusts in supplying not only the product to its shopper’s but also a fair price with a finest quality of material.

    Have we ever observed that what is Sale? Whether it’s running on any E-commerce site or in other showrooms. As it said that sale stock is hoary that’s the only reason it’s on sale, as this all is half story behind the curtains. Actually the buyers are forfeiting the genuine cost of the product it is just that the Seller tagged it with higher amount and raise the discount accordingly. Ethnic Crush offers you the Radical transparency in all the manner they can oblige their Consumer’s, globally Ethnic Crush aim is to wins the Consumer’s Full Satisfaction and as well as their Partner’s they associated with.

    Face behind it!

    The brain child of Nidhi Patel, Chintan Patel, Jitesh Kapadia and Harsh Vaniala, EthnicCrush founded in January 2015 and is based out at Surat.

    Nidhi,who hails from a business family in Gujarat. Having Degree and double PG in Computer Science had this entrepreneurial bug since her academic days. Her first work was  creating and selling handmade B’day cards and Oil paintings which she was doing with her sister and that two of these managed to sell and earn too out of this work.

    Growing up in Business and Entrepreneurs family, she had a close experience to see and understand the roller coaster of owning a business which made a natural inclination in her to become a Founder someday in future.

    Nidhi spoke to Team PS:

    Coming from the textile hub and the ample of exposure to International Market, we inherently understand the demand for these products worldwide. There is a gap in demand and supply which we are covering through this. We are offering Indian diaspora as well as people who love Indian Ethnic Wear products they love, no matter in what part of the world they are.

    Before founding EthnicCrush, she with her other partners founded 2 different ventures, 1 each in Canada and India.


    They did a lot of market research, met with suppliers, interviewd real customers for about an year before they finally zeroed on the idea of founding an ECommerce platform for Ethnic collection.

    EthnicCrush claims to have unique transparency policy which makes it different from the crowd and is the real game-changer for their Business Model.

    They are getting good transaction in the market for Ethnic products and are attracting customers across India, US-Canada, Sri Lanka and West Asia and are growing fast.

    Road Ahead!

    They are in the process of developing their exclusive Mobile App after gathering and analyzing customer data and purchase trend. They will continue to operate on Web as well as through Mobile App.

    They are looking to raise some funds as well soon.


    Shop Here: EthnicCrush