2 Headphones which you must buy.


    We all like different and the best In Ear Headphones. Isn’t it? In Ear Headphones are available in different colors, tangle-free cable and a shirt clip too. However, it is most important that the quality of the head phones should be excellent in terms of its compatibility.

    Considering all these features. We have brought 3 In Ear Headphones which are the best in terms of quality, design, availability of colors and last but not the least range, which actually matters a lot when it comes to our budget or pocket. Well students like me who are surviving on their pocket money need not worry because we have brought these headphones considering everything in our mind. Let’s not waste our time and straight away come to the point.

    Beyer dynamic iDX 160 iE     

    These headphones are on the top of our list because it includes all the features which we expect from it. I am sure you have not heard of it. Beyer dynamic is a Deutsch Headphone maker.

    It includes features that are as follows:-

    • 7 different sizes of silicon ear tips.
    • Flat tangle -free cable.
    • A shirt clip too.

    Inline remote (It means you have to grab your phone out of your purse/pocket every time you want to receive a call/change the track.) This feature you will miss in it.

    Klipsch R6i                                           

    Just as we said, it is, not for traditional audiophiles but, for the younger audience — who prefer Thumping Bass over rich sound — just like Beats’ PowerBeats 2. These headphones belong to the people who are youngsters and like beats.

    It includes features such as:-

    • Oval-shaped ear tips over metallic earpieces.
    • Supports In-line remote controls.
    • Narrow ear canals.
    • Double-flanged ear tips provided with 4 different size ear tips.