Are You An Entrepreneur? These 5 New Year’s Resolutions Should be On Your List In 2017!


Before I begin with the topic, I just want to wish all of you a very Happy & Prosperous New Year, 2017! Hurray!

Happy? You might ask! Yes, because this is a New Year so a new beginning, especially for Entrepreneurs, who have a lot of goals to achieve by the end of 2017. And Prosperous, because as a startup founder, all you dream about is prosperity, don’t you?! 2017 is the year to make your dreams come true.

For entrepreneurs, it is never an easy task to just shed off some responsibilities and take a break. It is like an oath that you cannot take back!

If you are one such entrepreneur, focused and audacious to make your dreams come true, then these 5 New Year’s resolutions should be on your list! 


#1. Concentrate on your appearance

Yes, that’s my number one advice to you.

Many entrepreneurs lose sleep, weight and some poor folks, even lose their hair, due to heavy stress, and declining figures in their bank accounts. Although it may be seen as a dedication towards their goals, they lose their body, and physical build, which is one of the major factors that guarantees a seed funding from investors.

If you do not look good, you simply aren’t getting any funding! You might think people are judgmental, but it makes good sense. If you’re not careful about your body, like having yellow teeth, you will be rejected on the grounds of lack of proper decency!

Your good looks and physique isn’t something you can gain overnight, so make sure that you dedicate a few hours to working out this year. Not for anybody but just for yourself!

new year's resolution, new year, startup, entrepreneur, work-life balance
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#2. Spend more time on research

If you are a solo entrepreneur, you need to spend a lot of time on doing research about everything related to your product, rather than on the product itself.

You may want to start your research with the following questions:

  • Where will your product be used?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What is their demographic?
  • What is the likelihood of success (in your opinion)?
  • What does the market research predict?
  • What should be the pricing of your product?
  • How will you develop your product in the coming years?
  • How will you diversify, & last but not the least?
  • How will you raise the capital? 


#3. Build/Enhance your skill set

As an entrepreneur, you have sworn to yourself to produce a genius product and make a lot of money. But, you have also secretly vowed to learn new things and gain new experiences, lest you don’t want to become a successful entrepreneur.

You need to work on building or enhancing your skillset. Be it coding for a mobile app development or, learning some marketing fundamentals or, working on your product design with a new angle, whatever the case, you can always use some fresh and up-to-date information that can only be topped off when you enhance your knowledge.

Use these resources, to get started. Connect with the best in the industry and assimilate all you can.



#4. Build a reliable and trustworthy network

As the title suggests, get out there and work on building a reliable and dependable system. You might think that you will need to do that at some point later, but nobody will come to help you if they don’t know you or trust you completely.

Relationship building takes time, a lot of time! The sooner you start, the stronger your bond will become and to connect with other individuals who may come in handy at a later stage in life, is an idea that no entrepreneur must let go!



#5. Maintain a healthy work-life balance

Another major mess most entrepreneurs lack is a good work-life balance. They either become workaholics or lose ambition altogether. Either is a crime that you do to yourself and for the others around you.

Since becoming an entrepreneur was your dream, it is also your responsibility to let your dependents know when are you available, and what are your work hours that are strictly dedicated to building your business.

Disruptions between family members or friends only occur when there’s lack of communication, which affects work in a massive fashion. To avoid such a mishap from happening, figure out a way to keep everyone and even yourself happy.

new year's resolution, new year, startup, entrepreneur, work-life balance
Image Credits: Office Pulse