4 Most Inspiring Entrepreneur Quotes to Boost your Motivation


The entrepreneurial spirit always searches for inspirations even in small phrases. Quotes are a bunch of words put together, but when pondered over, make a whole lot of sense. In many examples of life, business, and art or even in business case studies, they possess the power to say much more than words. They hold the potential to supplement courage and strength an entrepreneur’s spirit.

The power of quotes is like food for the soul and every businessperson will want this motivation whether in hard moments or prosperous.

Some well-known names are also an excellent source of knowledge who help to improve the performance of a novice & mature, alike.

Most give the privilege of reflecting through quotes created by great entrepreneurs of the bygone era. Those who held treasure and the wisdom to unlock creativity in the commercial sector, inspiring everybody for a better tomorrow.

4 Most Inspiring Entrepreneur Quotes to Boost your Motivation

“We have a strategic plan. It is called doing things.” Herb Kelleher, South West.

What it means: Promises are meant to be kept, so putting such promises into practice is the key!

This is the concept of the quote by H. Kelleher, because a well-prepared plan of practice where everything goes as expected, turns into greener pastures. Otherwise, ideas, goals, profits and other resources might go in vain. Do what it takes, give your best shot at everything you have practiced and it will result positively in the long-term. Go ahead and do something right instead of solely hanging by words and waiting for success to come to you.

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“Why join the navy if you can be a pirate?” Steven Jobs, Apple.

What it means: This phrase makes a lot of sense in moments of critical decision-making or uncertainties. It clarifies that you have the power to accomplish much more in life instead of being comfortable with what you have.

Dream but think fast and act with thirst. Keep up the desire to grow and tread on your path. With so many opportunities around, the only thing that can hold you back or impose limits is your own opinions, lack of action, and fears.

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“A product needs to be innovative enough to differentiate itself from the rest, but not as innovative as the user does not understand.” Reid Hoddman, LinkedIn.

What it means: The product is only considered good when it fulfills the consumer requirements. This includes comprehension about the product understandability. Creating something magnificent and out-of-the-box is not useful if it is non-functional.

Transforming an innovative idea into a substantive prototype with real-life concerns is what makes the cut, and keeps the customer loyal. Otherwise, it may become just another tool on a store shelf. In the worst-case scenario, it may not be viable for the market either.

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“Fail often so you can succeed sooner.” Tom Kelley, IDEO.

What it means: Fear is the worst enemy in business. To feel fear is normal but to believe it beyond your capacity as an entrepreneur is a terrible mistake. Remember, mishaps are the true reason behind every major failure.

Do not let fear lead your professional life. Take precautions not because of fear; but for self-protection. A successful entrepreneur is the one who strives for excellence and overcomes personal & professional insecurities. To err is acceptable, but to dwell on one’s wrong doings only brings offsets in the future of business.

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