Docplexus:A national community of doctors, raised USD 700K from Unicorn Ventures and ASP Consulting


    The demand for doctors in India is at an all-time high, and is projected only to further increase. Ambitious steps are planned to broaden the reach of healthcare in India by both the Government, as well as the private sector. Among several highly innovative steps that have been undertaken to make healthcare more efficient is the creation of an online community of doctors called Docplexus.

    Set up by Phanish Chandra in 2014, Docplexus aims at bringing together doctors from all over India to collaborate in referring patients and in discussing best practices. It enables doctors to identify best practices, and further hone their skills by discussing cases with each other.

    Registration on Docplexus is absolutely free. All allopathic doctors, who possess MCI (Medical Council of India) registration can join up.  Dentists registered with the Dental Council of India are also allowed to join. Docplexus is also available as a free mobile app, easily downloadable from Android Play Store.
    The verification process is extremely rigid, however, Docplexus maintains complete confidentiality of disclosed physician data.

    The Docplexus community has expanded rapidly since its inception, with over 100,000 doctors currently registered, and is set to further grow.  Docplexus members hail from as many as 1500 towns and and 83 specialties.

    Recently, Docplexus succeeded in raising funding of Rs. 4.6 crore from funding institutions Unicorn ventures, and Austria-based ASP Consulting. This bodes well for the community’s further growth, and will allow it to carry forward its goal of building a nationwide community of doctors, geared towards tackling healthcare problems.

    Docplexus has succeeded in using technology innovatively to create a nationwide community of health experts, and in solving long-standing medical communication issues. The links thus built among doctors will greatly aid in tapping medical talent to solve India’s myriad health care problems.


    Website: DocPlexus