ClosetBuddies – an App to digitize your wardrobe and share your stuffs with buddies!


    App Review #1 : ClosetBuddies: 

    Whenever a women get to go ready, no one knows how much time she gonna take, and this all starts with a very old adage “closet full of stuffs but nothing to wear”. This has been a case with every women on this planet!

    Womens are never satisfied with their stocks in the closet and feels confused so often when it comes to wearing an outfit. They buy clothes which they wear sometimes not more than once and then keep piling up their closet and for the next time, the cry starts all over again.

    Closet Buddies, a social connected Fashion App and the solution to the above problem. An app that digitizes your wardrobe to share, lend, borrow and shop for the fashion stuffs that you don’t own but definitely like to wear on any particular day.

    App Features:

    • Activites: that’s happening across the platform. You can like and share any.
    • My Closet: create your own closet by digitizing your wardrobe and adding more of the fashion stuffs available on the platform.
    • OOTD-Out Fit of The Day, a feature that lets you tag your favourite outfit that defines your day. You can also tag your wishlist for OOTD.

    CB-Buddies    CB-Requests


    • Buddies:You can follow users and add into buddies tab to create your own Buddies List.
    • Closet Ideas: You can even create own idea of your closet and share with your buddies to gain popularity.
    • You can lend, borrow, share or buy any outfit of your choice at any page by just sending request to their respective owner.

    App Design & Performance:

    UI: Being still in the nascent stage, the UI of the App is good and intuitive to start and make an entry to the fashion world. This app falls into Fashion category which itself is considered to be very vivid and lively, so this has to go under a lot of transformation before it fascinate users. Rating-3/5

    UX: The UX of the App is still on its way to enhancements with multiple innovations by gathering user’s reviews and feedbacks. Rating- 3/5

    Performance: App works fine with average internet speed and is good from the file size perspective. Works average within apps. Rating- 3.5/5

    With just 20 days on to Google’s Play Store, the app is moving quite fast to gain App Installs to 1000+ smart phones..


    Subscription: Value for money?

    This mobile is available on Google Play for free to download and currently there is no in-app purchase offerrings.


    Download or Not?

    If you are a Fashion fanatic, loves your wardrobe and very much concerned and particular about your outfits and look, this is a must app for your smart phone. Specially girls..

    This will let you wear your lovely outfit (for just a couple of times) even though you don’t own it, by borrowing or buying from  your buddies in the group.


    Download Details!

    Download Here: Android

    App Size: 7.6 MB

    Version and Requirement: 1.0.1 works on Android 4.1 and above

    Installs: .5-1K+

    App Provider

    An old timer blogger Juhi ,writes about Fashion, Makeups, Health & Fitness. She was with Citi Bank as manager for sometime before giving full time for her sheer passion of writing and giving dimension to her art of Fashion Shopping.

    Read her blogs Here.

    Thanks Juhi Bansal for this good work for all the fashion lovers and All the very best for many more downloads in coming time.


    Overall Rating: 3/5