EAI – National Agripreneurs Summit 2017 (Press Release)


National Agripreneurs Summit 2017

Entrepreneurs Association of India (EAI) is a not for profit organization working at district level to create entrepreneurs and startups and devising policy for the states. It has created pool of entrepreneurs at district level and has number of state chapters/partners under it bringing all young and innovative minds on one national platform. EAI in collaboration with several National and International Organizations, organizing “National Agripreneurs Summit (राष्ट्रीय कृषि उद्यमी सम्मेलन) on August 26, 2017 at Constitution Club of India, New Delhi, A Campaign which aims to empowering farmers of the country by attracting, connecting, promoting and collaborating youth and Entrepreneurs in Agricultural and Allied sector. Govt of Netherlands, IITs, IIM are official partners to it.

Youth, Startup, Entrepreneurs & Experts in Agri, Dairy, Food Processing, Fisheries, Horticulture, E-commerce, Packaged food, Farm Machineries, Inputs, Trading, Agri Technology, Exporters, Importers etc are participating at Annual NAS 2017. Some of the top Agripreneurs from the country are part of the NAS’17.


Problem to be addressed through the Campaign are:

  • An Image problem (Non-Glamourous Sector), hence very negligible number of youth compared to sector like IT
  • Not seen as being ‘Cool’ or ‘Attractive’
  • Back-breaking labor and No economic pay-off
  • Provides little room for career advancement
  • Ageing population of farmers hence not doing a professionally
  • Agricultural offers huge potential for job creation
  • On average, about 2,035 farmers are losing ‘Main Cultivator’ status every single day for the last 20 years
  • In last 3 years, India became an Overall

Broad objective is “To attract Youth and Innovation towards Agriculture and Allied Sector”. Creating 1 lac Agripreneurs in next 5 years. The Campaign will start from the Summit that’s is 26th  August 2017, will be taken to state level and every year will have an Annual Summit.


Key highlights of the summit are:

First time in India in Agriculture- Idea Pitching Competition-Cash Award of upto Rs.5 Lacs for 5 best selected Ideas is part of NAS’17.

  • Making Agriculture attractive and glamorous for Youth and attract New Talent and Pride.
  • Participation & Representation from Agripreneurs from 707 Districts of India
  • National Award to 20 Innovative Agripreneurs
  • Funding to best Start-up Ideas in Agriculture & Allied Sector till 1 crore
  • Taking National & State Schemes and Opportunities / Incentives on ground through Business Opportunities
  • Focus on yield of farmers through Technology and New Approach with Foreign Govt Participation and Knowledge Sharing
  • Networking with National & International Agencies like WEF, Govt. of Netherlands, Spain, Israel
  • Promoting Professional Business approach in Agriculture with Indian and foreign Organizations
  • Organised by internationally recognised Agripreneurs and Agri-Experts from IIMs, IITs, Harvard, Oxford and from top institutions of the world.

We look forward for your support in the campaign for developing the Face of Indian Agricultural Ecosystem.


Programme Schedule (Tentative)

National Agripreneurs Summit 2017

Powered By:

Saturday, 26th Aug. 2017

Mavlankar Auditorium, Constitution Club of India, New Delhi


9:00 am – 10:00 am Registration, Collection of kit, Introductory features, Tea


Inaugural Session


10:00 am – 10:10 am Welcoming the Guest, Lighting the Lamp -Opening of the ceremony

(Objective, Schedule, expected result of the summit)

10: 10 am – 10:20 am Welcome Address by EAI
10: 20 am – 10: 30 am Address by Special Guest EAI
10: 30 am – 10:40 am Address by Guest of Honour
National Agripreneurs Awards 2017


10: 40 am – 11:00 am           Key Note Address by Hon. Union Minister, Govt of India (Chief Guest speech)
11:00 am – 11:05 am      Vote of Thanks to the Chief Guest
Business Session-I

Time: 11:10 am – 12:25 pm

Agripreneurship a Career Option with Huge Growth Potential (Question and Answer-15 mins)   6 Speakers each from Academia, Entrepreneurship, Corporates, Experts


1.     Mrs. Radha Singh- Ex-Secretary-Ministry of Agriculture, Govt of India

2.     Mr. Kaushalendra, IIMA, Ashoka Fellow, Cochran Fellow, Social Entrepreneur

3.     Mr Vijay Sachdeva, Head Unilever, South Asia

4.     Mr. Subhadeep Sanyal – Principal, Omnivore Ventures

5.     Jt. Secretary- DIPP

6.     Mr. Ravinderjit Singh- CEO- Agrinnovate India, ICAR (Govt of India)


Business Session-II

Time: 12:30 pm – 13:45 pm       

Opportunity for Innovation and Intervention in the Sector (Question and Answer-15 mins)    6 Speakers each from Academia, Entrepreneurship, Corporates, Experts


1.     Mr. Amit Parasar- CEO/UNID Global

2.     Mr. Shashank Kumar, IIT-Delhi, Founder- Farm & Farmers

3.     Mr. Ronald van het Hof – Women of Wings

4.     Tamanna Chaturvedi- Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

5.     Mr Gaorav Kapoor, Head- INVENT (IIMCIP)

6.     Investor- Senior profile- Indian Angel Network


Networking LUNCH



Time: 14.45pm – 16.45pm

Idea Pitching Session (Agri and Allied Sectors)

500 Applied online with their StartUp/ and Agri-Ideas 


30 Pitching on Agri and Allied Ideas or StartUps in Agriculture in front of Investors and Mentors


1.     Live Idea Pitching by 30 Agripreneurs 

2.     Selection of teh Best 5 Ideas

3.     Cash Prize Distribution


Jury Panel

1.     Mr. Yogesh Kochar- Serial Investor

2.     Mr. Shashank Kumar, CEO- De Haat

3.     Mr. Alay Barah, CEO- ICCO

4.     Mr Sanjay Sethi, Director – Phoenix Global DMCC, Dubai

5.     TBD

6.     TBD



Time: 16.50pm


Vote of thanks to Chief Guest, Speakers, Jury, Participants, Outreach Partners and all other stakeholders of the Summit



All Entry is through Invite only and Online Registration. Participants from all States have been confirmed.

Recommendation for National Awards has come from IIMs, IITs and Agri University etc.

National Agripreneurs Summit 2017

Entrepreneurs Association of India